Playing with smoke patch without errors

Installing smoke patch is pretty simple, run installer then play, When we created this software we made it as easy as possible for the user to play without the need for complicated procedure, however a lot complains about crash or failure to load or other bugs that will happen if you change the patch files that we always say do not change.

Like any other software, if you replace or edit files then the software will have issues, so unless you know what you are doing, don’t miss up the patch files.


Here are some examples of what can go wrong:

Changing edit.000000 files:
Every version comes with its own edit file (option file), that is made to work with the latest version to include the new things, replacing this file with another edit file can make bugs

Generating dpfilelist:
The patch uses its own dpfilelist, this file is carefully made for smoke patch using hexedit, changing this file will cause all sort of issues, and will open the door to all sort of bugs, this file should not be touched, if you want to add things to the patch do so by replacing the extra cpk files we include in the patch, simply just rename and replace, we made it as easy as possible.

Adding other things:
when adding things to the patch (by using extra cpk files), be sure the things you add does not cause problems, we cannot predict the things you add but always be sure that it is compatible with smoke software, this is why we say adding things is at your own risk, somethings that you might add might contain a system file that will replace smoke system file and make bugs.

Having said that, we cannot prevent you from doing anything you want with this free software, but we test the patch with the patch files only, so we cannot help you if you do not follow these simple guidelines,


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