Tutorial - how to use smoke extra cpk

Adding 3rd party add-ons

the smoke patch includes 16 extra cpk empty files for the users to add a 3rd party add-ons, the procedure is pretty straight forward, (rename, copy and replace), do not generate the dpfilelist or you will change the patch and get errors that might not be reversed.

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1. Locate the extra cpk:

the four extra cpk files are located inside the download folder of the game, beside the patch cpk files, decide which cpk you want to use, in this example we are going to use extra1 (SMK_extra1.cpk).

Locate the extra cpk


2. Download the file to add:

in this example we are going to add (menu by someone.cpk) to the patch, this is only example and it could be any other cpk file, download the file only from the official links, extract the file if it's in a rar or zip archives because it needs to be CPK format


3. Rename the file:

rename the new file to the same name as the extra cpk file we are going to use, in this case extra1 like this:
rename: (menu by someone.cpk) to: (SMK_Extra1.cpk)

Rename the file


4. Copy and replace:

after renaming, just move or copy the new file in the download folder of the game to replace the extra cpk.

Copy and replace


5. Run the game

After replacing the cpk run the game and the you will see the add-on is working perfectly.

Run the game



- if you ran out of extra cpk files, you should merge cpks into one, see tutorial on how to merge cpk files using (cri pack edfile maker).

- Be sure the 3rd party add-on you want to add is compatible with the patch (check with the files makers)

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