PES 2017 Enhancement Overhoul Update 3
PES 2017 Enhancement Overhoul Update 3– Mengenai mod ini mungkin sudah nggah perlu dikasih tahu lagi ya sob. Bagi yang belum tahu, bisa baca di sini (Baca : Cara Meningkatkan Kualitas Tampilan PES 2017). Berikut fitur di versi terbarunya.
- All stadiums light configs revised day and night
- All textures from light effects to pitch lines and goal nets revised
- All turfs revised from color to textures
- Pitch Patterns sorted out (only high quality ones are in the game)
- Camp Nou reflection maps fixed (it has sweat now)
- Includes all previous tweaks from sweat to ps4 balls reflection
- Better crowd version from Esterleen's pack
- Fixed pitch texture causing players to look like they are floating
- Minor tweaks and improvements for a better game immersion
- Modular cpk files as community member asked
- MasterEffects using UnrealEngine LUT (OPTIONAL)
- Vanilla Stadiums Only
- 100% online compatible
- Fixed camp nou red adboards and players during rainy matches
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